Bernard Zuel, the senior music writer for Fairfax newspapers, yesterday introduced ABC Darwin presenter Julia Christensen to a new sound coming from the deserts of Australia. To kick off the music segment Bernard Zuel played the lead single from Tjintu Desert Band’s new album Tjamuku Ngurra.
Once the track finished, the conversation went something like this:
Julia Christensen: “Wow, what an amazing sound! I want to be at a live show of theirs right now, so I can really dance around…Lead vocals from Terry Marshall, what a voice!”
Bernard Zuel: “It really gives you a sense of both country and soul – the country they live in and the soul of the people.”
Julia Christensen: “Listening to that makes me proud to be a Territorian!”
Listen to the whole interview here on Soundcloud
It’s an encouraging early response from the media! Lots more media to come too, including ABC Radio National’s ‘Bush Telegraph‘ on 10 March.